What makes good client service?

2 Oct 2018 by Paul Saris

Paul Brenda atop Ngauruhoe

It’s the strangest experience when you’re climbing Mt Ngauruhoe on your way to reach the most beautiful coned top, when every step you take makes you slide further backwards. Strangely, somehow you do reach the top. It’s a lot later in the day though and you’re tired and scratched all over, but what an amazing feeling to finally stand up and look around. Few vistas compare, and an especially good feeling when you’re standing next to your newlywed wife and best mate to take in the expansive landscape. That was almost 30 years ago…

I've lost count of the number of times I have thought back to that moment. When I do think back I’m usually reflecting on where we’re at with a project. The stage where the client indicates their brand project is on hold, the marcomms project is changing direction, that digital project requires more (…), etc.

We recently had a high-profile marcomms project change its course. The project was slowed down whilst many aspects are being reconsidered. This is a tough time for one of our key contacts who has given the project a lot of their energy and is emotionally invested too. A phone call with the client, a chat that was reflective but also forward looking, proved to be a worthwhile opportunity to lend support. We agreed that, although the track had gotten a little more tricky, we’d find a way to continue our way to the top together. 

The promise of success is pretty powerful, if you believe in it. Often, we’re the ones who have the opportunity to motivate our clients, keep them going, support or guide them. It can be during these times that the client needs us most. And when we start climbing again, it somehow seems to get a little easier. 


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