
20 May 2020 by Steven Giannoulis

AGT Blog Week 2 1 v3

ADAPT [uh-dapt]

(verb). To adjust to the conditions or a new environment. To fit, change or modify something to make it suitable for a new use, purpose or situation.

For many of us, we’ve now returned to the workplace and have a new set of behaviours we need to adjust to. Some customers are returning and we’re starting to appreciate how different the new business environment is. It’s time to figure out what the changed world means for us and how we can best acclimatise to it.

In a rapidly changing environment, with tough financial conditions, we advocate a proactive approach, actively seeking to anticipate change and to take action. In uncertain times, the easy option is to wait for more information before acting, but this may be too late for some businesses. In this blog, we explore four directions to help you consider ways to adapt to the new world we live in.


You've changed

Start with you. What have you learnt about yourself over the lockdown? Were you more productive working in isolation? Or did you find yourself missing the energy of those around you? Did you rethink your priorities and form new habits that improved your effectiveness and wellbeing? Think about the things that worked for you in lockdown and now consider how you carry them forward to the new ‘outside’ world. Maybe it’s working from home more often or making time every day to exercise or connect with the people around you. What stopped you doing these things before? Many of these ‘barriers’ were your own mindset but the situation led you to overcome them. Resolve to make permanent change and then set up the structures that let these changes become your new norm.


Work has changed

Lockdown came suddenly and we responded with quick decisions and actions. Some worked and others didn’t. Use these three questions to lead a ‘lessons from lockdown’ discussion with your team, capturing the learnings to bring back to the workplace:

What new things did we introduce during lockdown that worked well? For example, Zoom or Teams collaboration, cross-team initiatives or cross-office online drinks. Are any of these worth carrying on with?

What did we do differently during lockdown that we should keep doing? Working effectively from home for example, or reducing travel through online client and team meetings.

What did we stop doing during lockdown and shouldn’t restart? Many of our regular processes and routines were sidelined during lockdown. These could be tasks we normally did, reports we produced or approvals we obtained. Why re-introduce them?


Business has changed

Take a moment to think about your customers and their world. What’s changed for them and how will that change their mindsets, priorities and actions. Firstly, consider volume. Will they do the same, more or less business with you and what will this mean for your resource levels? Will their priorities change, leading to a new product set or a changing emphasis on quality, price or service? Will they want to interact with you in different ways? Form a view on what future business may look like. How you can modify your operating model to accommodate.

But what if you’re not sure how your customers will react? Reach out and show them you understand their world has changed. Ask them how you can help. There’ll never better time to engage your customers in these conversations.


Our world has changed 

Many things in the world around us have changed – some temporary and some for good. Consider how they’ll impact you and your business. As a society, it will take some time to feel safe again, especially in mass gatherings and close contact situations. Will this change how consumers engage with you, or your customers, and the products and services they’ll demand? Over recent years consumers have looked to business to take an active role in making the world a better place. This is likely to escalate. How will you respond? A surge in Kiwi pride should see more Kiwis supporting local business, especially those businesses that are themselves supporting locals. What opportunities and challenges does this offer your business?


At Insight Creative we're adapting how we work with our clients to better understand and respond to what’s changed for them. As a result we’re listening and offering strategic and creative ideas that will help them adapt to life in in their new world.


Give 1 Get 3

Give us one hour to learn more about the new challenges and opportunities facing your business in Level 2 and beyond. In return, we’ll give you three strategic-creative ideas to help you address them.

No charge. No obligation. Get your boss, your peers and your team together and let’s talk about how you’ll adapt, grow and thrive in your new New Zealand.

Ideas for a new New Zealand



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