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Does your brand still resonate?

4 Jun 2024 by Steven Giannoulis

Change and disruption is happening at an unprecedented rate and that impacts how relevant brands remain with their customers. Businesses aspire to gar…

Whatever happened to Corporate Identity?

31 Jul 2023 by Jack Yan

Guest post: Jack Yan, LLB, BCA (Hons), MCA. Jack is an independent director of Insight Creative. He began working in design in Wellington in 1987, and…

Brand as your competitive advantage

25 Jan 2023 by Mike Tisdall

Today, everyone competes everywhere

We all compete for attention, market share, the customers we have, the customers we want, share of mind, share of…

What's your brand animal?

1 Nov 2022 by Steven Giannoulis

We’ve been doing a lot of brand refresh work lately, as many clients come out the other side of the COVID crisis with a new purpose and often a new st…

Knowing when to rebrand

7 Sep 2022 by Steven Giannoulis

I read an article recently that suggested that most organisations rebrand every 7 – 10 years. As I think about our clients, and some of the world’s le…

Driving your brand from the inside

30 Aug 2022 by Steven Giannoulis

At Insight Creative, we do a lot of brand work for clients. From developing new brands right through to repositioning and refreshing established brand…

Are logos really all starting to look the same?

11 Aug 2022 by Mike Tisdall

A recent article in Creative Bloq resonated strongly with observations I had recently been processing regarding the convergence in style of corporate…

Driving results through perception & behaviour change

6 Jul 2021 by Steven Giannoulis

We do a lot of work with our clients to drive perception and behaviour change in their audiences. The two are interlinked and often you need to addres…

Branding a political party

23 Jul 2019 by Steven Giannoulis

“Change we can believe in…Yes We Can”Very few people will forget Barak Obama’s first presidential campaign in 2008. Regardless of your political leani…

Principled brand decisions

19 Feb 2019 by Steven Giannoulis

Developing a brand strategy means making a number of significant decisions that drive multiple aspects of an organisation. Working with clients, my ai…

Brand perspectives

13 Nov 2018 by Brian Slade

An early brand project risk analysis on all possible perspectives can save a bunch of rework, awkward pauses and electrical appliance analogies! (Keep…

What exactly is 'brand'?

9 Oct 2018 by Mike Tisdall

It’s just one of those words, isn’t it? So open to interpretation. So dependent upon the predisposition of the listener or reader. Even after all thes…


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